Thursday, April 12, 2007

space/time relativity and human character

We all think that bill gates,gorge bush,albert einsten etc are great great personalities . Even they might think that they are great or something. But are they really great?
It is said that , a mathematicians son will always be good at mathematics .. that is because right from his childhood his father will imbibe all the mathematical theories into his brain,he gives prominence to his mathematical ability.So here ,his surrounding space (i.e. his dad ,in this case ) has decided what he is. similar is the condition with all the great personalities,their surrounding space determines what they are. If I or you, were subjected to to the same surrounding space ,even we would have become like them.

Also,even the time determines the character of the person, Again take the mathematician's example.If his dad had tried to teach his son calculus when his son was 6 months old, it would have made no difference to the kid. But if he teaches him the same calculus at the age of 10 or so, then it will definitely make a difference.

We say,character of the person depends on his/her DNA content.But the DNA of a person is determined by the person's parents, whose DNA is inturn determined by their parents(biological ofcourse ). So here again the space determines the character of the person.
So whatever we do,it is determined by space/time to which we were subjected. Take an example,.. we cannot expect an arabic and an european to react in a similar way ( atleast majority of them) when they see a beautiful girl in a bikini.For an arabic person its a taboo thing,which none is supposed to do,but for an european its just so common ,which they see everyday and don't give damn about it. On the contrary,if an european sees a girl who is wearing a burkha ,they might feel awkward, but here the arabic person might take it as very normal.. so who is right and who is wrong??? well, there is no right or wrong.. it only the space/time which makes us think that this particular thing is right or wrong.
So everything and anything that happens in our life determines what we do in future( i.e. space/time determines) Me , writing this blog is determined( there is something that happened to me in the past,which made me to write this blog)Also , you reading this blog is also determined (there should be some reason why you are reading this..ofcourse i don no the reason)..
If i'm writin this blog .i'm not great and if you are reading and understanding this, even you are not special is just a product of space/time which made us to do that event.whenever a scientist invents something,its not that he is great or something .It is just an output of the space/time which was supposed to happen and it just happened.When that scientist thinks that he is great ,there will be ego which will develop within himself , which will kill his intelligence( again a output of space/time)..
Again ,this event( you reading this piece of shit!!) will effect your future ,because everything and anything that happens to u determines ur future)

hmmm, uhhh.. well i seriously forgot what was i trying to prove(hmm, again this is product of space/time ,that was supposed to happen)...

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Difference between and living and non -living

one question that i found most intriguing is that what actually is the difference between living and non-living???
well if i ask this question to anyone around they would obviously say something like
living people can move around whereas non-living cannot..
living people can think and they are intelligent ..
living people has emotions whereas non-living doesn't..
and what not... the list continues...
but what if we design a robot which has artificial intelligence..
which can think on its own ..(if we can develop a program to make it think then we can also develop program to express emotion)..
so where should we catagorize these robots??? they behave in exactly the same way as any other living being,execpt that the dermatological difference...

Also, we are made up of various molecules( our skin is made up of one kind of molecules our bones of other kind etc).. but these molecules are made up of atoms( usually Nitrogen ,oxygen and hydrogen )... even these the non living things are made up of various molecules (including Nitrogen , oxygen and hydrogen).. so wher comes the difference?? we both are made up of the same material....

the difference is that we think we are living .. we think we are superior to other things available around us..its our brain( even which is made up of some complex molecules and atoms afterall...) which takes electrical signals from various senses of our body and make us feel we are, its actually a feeling that we are different from other things..